Blizzard Diablo 4 Diablo IV Diablo IV Beta News PS4 PS5

Diablo 4 Beta Feedback Will Be Addressed ‘In A Couple Of Weeks’

Blizzard has revealed that it will touch base on the feedback it has received for the Diablo 4 Beta in a couple of weeks.

PSA: We’re going through all of your feedback and will have an update in a couple of weeks about what we heard and what we’re addressing.Thanks for helping to test the Beta and your patience as we worked through issues.

Blizzard launched the early access Diablo IV Open Beta on March 17, with general release arriving on March 24.

Diablo IV takes place in the series’ world of Sanctuary, and the game picks up followed the events of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. Players will be able to travel through five regions — Scosglen, Fractured Peaks, Dry Steppes, Hawezar and Kehjistan — and Diablo IV also includes procedurally generated dungeons, with no load time between regions and dungeons.

Diablo IV is scheduled for release on June 6, 2023 for PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

[Source – Rod Fergusson on Twitter]